Enhancement Request: When creating a link to a URL, allow copy/paste of existing hyperlink
When creating a link to a URL, for example in a Dashboard shortcut widget, please allow us to copy and paste from a valid hyperlink, even if that hyperlink is only in a cell in Smartsheet. Use Case: …2 · -
Re: Copy/clone a column WITHIN a sheet
Carl, I believe you have missed the point of the request. An example of what we are looking for: I have a column named "Date 1" and it is Date type column.I make it blue background. I want …2 · -
Re: Admin Access to Everything?
Just like certain operating system (cough-Linux-cough) or IT system, anyone with the keys to the system needs to be trusted. If they aren't don't give them the keys. I recommend to my clients that th…1 · -
Re: Apply an updated template to a group of sheets
This is a very good use case for the API. I'm working on something that might be able to be leveraged for a feature like this. If I can ever finish it, I'll make a note to post the status here. Craig1 · -
Re: Multiple Calendars
Only one calendar per sheet. You can try separating tasks into multiple sheets by working days and then combining the results back together using Reports. I did something similar with periodic meetin…1 ·